
Transforming Home Healthcare Services | AI & Data Solutions | Teqfocus
  • (647) 503-4889
  • Huddle Share Space 104 Crockford Blvd,
    Scarborough, Ontario M1R3C3

Personalized Patience Experience

remote patient monitor

Remote Patient Monitoring

Achieve 24/7 monitoring through IoT devices, capturing personalized health metrics for enhanced care.

patient 360

Patient 360

Gain a holistic view of the patient’s health, enabling comprehensive care plans and communication strategies.

personalised experience care

Personalized Experience Care

Design care experiences that resonate on a personal level, ensuring a connected and seamless patient journey.

Optimized Field Operations

field productivity

Field Productivity

Utilize AI to create efficient care schedules, saving time with advanced speech-to-text capabilities.

field assistant

Field Assistant

Equip nurses with AI-powered tools for real-time data and support during patient visits

Predictive Analytics

Predictive Analytics

AI forecasts healthcare needs, ensuring timely and targeted care delivery.


Tele Health Integration

Implement telehealth for efficient patient assessments and care continuity, maximizing resource utilization


Streamlined Back Office Operations

Enhance call center efficiency with automated scheduling and direct patient-provider communication.

Explore the Future of Home Health Care

Resources Hub

Teqfocus Insights & Resources

Access expert insights and valuable resources, crafted to help you gain a deeper understanding of the latest in tech innovation.